Saturday, December 22, 2012


+Kampala, @Uganda:

The hate the gay people Uganda bill that was first introduced by MP (Member of Parliament) @David Bahati in 2003 has yet hit another huge huddle right before it was supposed to appear for debate on the floor of the Ugandan Parliament within the last few weeks. As you remember, last time we left off with Speaker of the Ugandan Parliament, Honorable Rebecca Kadaga promising to pass the Anti-Homosexual bill as a Christmas present to all Ugandans. Well being that Christmas is only a few days away it will be interesting to see what happens.

 It is early in the morning here in Namirembe, a suburb of Uganda’s capital city Kampala. Growing up here I always thought that Namirembe Hill had the best view of Kampala city.

From my apartment widow I see sky rise buildings and all the elements of a capital city. If I mute my iTunes and  +Jay-Z stops rapping. I would hear the sounds of cars, motorcycles and no doubt a lot of people working. I am getting older now and becoming more of a TV person, especially the NEWS of wherever I am.  It is early December/2012, a few weeks ago. I am seating in my apartment chatting things up with my old friend Penny. I was mainly complaining about how one of my cousins seems to never have his story right and how he tells you a million things but none of them are true! As Penny and I talk, breaking news appeared on +NTV Uganda, +Frank Walusimbi, one of Uganda’s best newsman proceeded to say that a few days ago one of Uganda’s most outspoken MPs had died and it was by poison, she was health one moment and dead the other. Her family was going through the deepest pain accompanied by death especially sudden death. President of Uganda Yoweri Museveni appeared in public denying all talks of foul play in the death of Nebanda. As you can imagine the media had a big party with this one. Death as mysterious as always appeared to prove once again powerful. The dead MP was a big critic of the Uganda Government and its agenda.

Although she was part of the ruling (National Resistance Movement Party) NRM, she seemed to believe less in her party’s agenda to develop our country. Recently she had exchanged disagreements with the president in public concerning the government’s failure to provide sufficient health care in her constituency and in the whole country for that matter. After that she would die suddenly days later and everyone is wondering if that had anything to do with it. But on record the president has said not. Like many youth here in Kampala and all over the country I began to follow MP Nebanda when she became one of the biggest critics for “presidential-term-limits” in Uganda. She and other MPs were labeled by their own party leaders as rebel MPs mainly because they were against most of the party’s agenda.
The gang of these MPs has been very vocal in Uganda’s 9th parliament in speaking against government corruption and amending the constitution to bring back presidential term limits. David Bahati, the biggest homophobe in the world was the last person to know where the dead MP was going and who she was with when she died according to her mother. With all this going on, the hate the gay people bill seems to be a challenge to pass because now the Ugandan Parliament has turned their attention on personal security and wonder if they are free to express their opinion publicly. It turns out that you may HATE gay people like David Bahati does but you cannot be immune to the jaws of death even if you believe you should kill a person for being GAY.

Nebanda will be missed, the media loved her, and she was only in her twenties like most of these MP here. May her soul rest in peace and we will look at the life she’s lived as a testimony to service for God and our country.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Uganda wants no HOMO!


It is June 2012: I am in Uganda. I am in Mukono District at the private home of The Rt. Rev. James William Ssebaggala, Bishop of Mukono Diocese. It is early in the morning. It is probably 8:30AM GMT +2 East Africa standard time…time passes and  I find myself in a huge waiting room; people are beginning to walk in and out the Bishop’s office. Mainly priests (some are women priests, but mainly men priests) and other diocese workers. I was the second person the Bishop saw that morning right after his morning devotions with his staff.  To meet him, I walked straight back to his office with my friend a local reverend in the diocese.  So after greetings and introductions I told the Bishop about my projects at my home church in Ssinda Village. He seemed impressed but I sensed he had seen many impressive things.  Time passed and I proved myself a great conversationalist, so the BISH and I began talking about life and all the things in it. His eyes grew huge when I mentioned that I attended an Episcopal branch of the Anglican Communion in the US. At that minute he began to ask me all these questions about the Episcopal Church in general…. “Oh, how they are ordaining women into BISHOPS and how they are willing to even bless GAY marriages.”  

When he got to the GAY marriage part, he went on and on, forever! I wanted to laugh but I had to keep a serious face and I wanted to be respectful even though on any other occasion in other places I would have a lot say. The general sense in the media is that Uganda has this very conservative homophobic culture. I do not find that to be true: but once again: somewhere I have read that “ignorance is bliss” and I agree. The bill against GAY people was first introduced in The August House, Uganda’s Parliament in 2009 and it was proposing jail time to death to all Ugandans caught in GAY acts even in their own beds, it did not matter, if caught they said, “you were going to face the gallows.”

Anyway after three years the bill has not passed mainly because it doesn’t make sense…let us face it, this is 2012 and not some pre- modern times, in fact it is post-modern times, modern was so 1989. Yes I will say Ugandans are very homophobic by nurture not by nature. Kinda like the white men were to niggers in the days of slavery. Hilter, also thought Jews were inferior. Those were pre-modern times my friends, which is where exactly many of Uganda’s elders are on this issue, like my friend the Bishop.  
Witch doctors in Ugandan are doing hideous and horrendous things to little boys and girls all in the name of tradition and they are not questioned by many laws. I would like to ask Speaker Rebbeca Kadaga, who wants to pass this bill as against GAY people  a “gift to Ugandans,”  for Christmas. Honorable, what is more immoral? A witch doctor that abducts the future of Uganda and traffics them as the Dutch did the niggers in the old days. Or is it a gay Ugandan man or women holding on to his or her lover tight or even making slow and sweet love to them. 

What is more immoral Honorable Speaker, a GAY Ugandan walking down the street or having more than one wife as some traditions in Uganda permit us to do. In many places in Uganda, polygamy is the law, but being GAY is a crime. Not even a sin but a crime, because see government cannot rebuke sin, as it does not rebuke the millions of witch doctor clinics that operate in the broad daylight.  YES they are times when we all believe that a man made law is superior to the eternal and divine law.  If being GAY is not divine or not an eternal incidence then one is saying that God did not create all things in HIS image, and that my friends, is crazy. But if God created all things even the California sheephead which is a kind of fish that changes from male to female and vise verse then he created GAY Ugandans and that my comrades cannot be questioned. And if being gay is a choice, are you saying that God did not create choices!

Monday, October 8, 2012

JUBILEE in Uganda: Uganda celebrates 50 years of Independence

On October/9th/2012 Uganda will celebrate its golden (jubilee)  , Uganda, my country of green hills and valleys, of singing Crested -Cranes and I’m sure of yet to be discovered sunsets and shadows has been an independent nation for 50 years.

On October/9th/1962 the Union –Jack was lowered in Kampala and the Ugandan flag, in Black, Yellow, Red, recently designed by countrymen was raised symbolizing freedom from colonial rule. History has it that not everyone supported the idea that the British Colonial masters had. On record, Sir Edward Muteesa, who later becomes Uganda’s first president took a long time to buy into the idea of combing his Buganda Kingdom to the rest of Uganda.

King Muteesa wrote many letters to the Queen and her delegation about his disagreement. He wanted Buganda to remain its own state but eventually he was sold the idea by Milton Obote, Uganda’s first Prime Minister and later president.  

The two men never got along, both wanted more power and eventually the one would attack the other causing a massive civil war that has slipped blood on Uganda’s history pages until now. With independence came more challenges. Ugandans were not used to self-governance and those that wanted to rule had self-ambitions, for the first 25 years UGANDA was ruled by several men who faced a tough job to making a former British Colony one country.

Uganda is a beautiful place I love it like a child loves her mother.  I was born in kasubi on Hoima Road in 1985. My 17 year old mother met my father at the end of a massive civil war between many deferent regimes from 1966 when Prime Minister Obote attacked Edward Muteesa’s Palace.

 From there Uganda was involved in civil war after civil war and until 1986 when a young rebel by the name of Yoweri Katuga Museveni led an armed rebellion backed by a few African leaders to take power under his fighting group NRA (National Resistance Army). The NRA would rule the country until 1996 after organizing themselves into a political party bringing back party politics to Uganda that had been washed away under Milton Obote.

I remember the year well; the drought had hit Uganda very hard that hot 1996. I was 11 years old living at Bomma’s house, my grandmother in Ssinda Village.

 Former rebel leader and now Army General Yoweri Museveni would win the election and has won all the proceeding elections making him one of the longest serving presidents in Africa. Museveni and his party the NRM have done a lot. Credit is to be given where performance is well done. The NRM is a party full of old politicians like Museveni himself trying to rule over a modern twenty-first century population.

 Uganda today is awesome.
For the most part a regular person can walk around to and fro workplace, to worship place back to home. But like the 1960’s Ugandan’s political class is widely divided even within the ruling NRM party. They are many who just want to hang to power including the president creating a stranger state. Buganda and Uganda still don’t get along. Buganda wants a fedro-type system where they can rule themselves directly.  The government is so big that half of the members of parliament are just holding their position in politics for a pay check.

 The school system is ancient and in its form it cannot educate the growing needs of Ugandan youth. The youth are mainly unemployed causing high rates of poverty and crime. The healthcare system is close to none AIDS is on the uprising again. Every level of government is corrupted. But for sure the doors of prosperity and freedom are wide open and it will all depend on those who lead us! Like in other nations in Africa, Uganda lacks nothing expect great and new-age leadership.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Western influence in Africa (war in Congo forever!) homeland or die!

Western influence in Africa (war in Congo forever!) homeland or die!
Homeland OR Die !

America doing business with dictators in Uganda...what does that say about their own views on democracy?

I was recently accused by a friend of being quote on quote, westernized. I was told by this African friend of mine that I was too (Americanized) and therefore my views on African policies and issues were misleading. I of all people was shocked. To say the least, my friend accusing me of being too (Americanized) had an ipod around his neck. He was on face-book and twitter and have no doubt he was dressed in what I will personally define as western clothes. I mean last time I checked Africans did not introduce the wearing of suites, leather shoes and or neck ties to the world. I mean I have flipped through a few history books and can confirm Africans walked around naked for a long time. So here he was dressed in a black two-piece-suite and working for the big government in a small country by the Nile. Yes, this guy who is not (westernized) at all was speaking to me in English; I was confused to when that was an original African dialect. This friend of mine who works in the education ministry belongs to the same kind of folks who teach African students nothing else but western culture. I mean it was those same Africans that taught me that the Nile was discovered by western explorers. The same Africans who communicate through western invention are the same Africans hating on the western world they admire so much.  “Oh how those Whites are robbing Africa of all her goods!” he screamed on top of his lungs. “Oh how they don’t want Africa to proper, and oh how they want all Africans to die in poverty, and oh how they have planed this out!” Yes, according to him, the whites in the west sat down somewhere and said, “Let’s screw Africa up the butt hole, forever!” This is one of those conversations that many Africans have on a daily and I tend to either be naïve or perhaps I happen to see the world a little more different than the likes of my friend. For the most part and in my opinion, Africa’s   relationship is that of two strange bed fellows where basically one fellow puts out (in this case aide) in order to gain control of the relationship. What happened to Africa after the colonists left?  For simple reasoning on a simple fact of what is going on in Uganda, Rwanda and Congo as you read this is a great illustration of this relationship.. These famous American allies are caught in the situation where none of them are innocent and the US has once again turned a blind eye on justice to defend and protect the interest of its African puppets over the people of Congo. The fact that the American state department can fly it’s envoy to Uganda and have a buffet with one of Africa’s longest serving dictators goes to show you how much the US is interested in spreading their so called democracy to Africa while screwing Africa in the butt. Africans should look at western countries like the US as a bed-fellow who just stops by to get what they want every now and then leaves without even washing off. But don’t worry, they will send you MONEY!  The west has done it many time, Patrice Lumumba, Congo’s first elect official was executed by a firing squad assisted by the Belgium government and America’s CIA. Lumumba is the most popular example of how the US and other western countries would do anything to protect their interest in Africa. Even if it means to kill a county’s founding father and replace him with a favored thug or watch millions die as they are in CONGO. Congo is the rich friend who has no security for their property surround by opportunist neighbors waiting to steal in day light while the BIG watch dog (the US) is watching it all go down. So much for peace, fight-on my brothers and sisters, after all, one for all, all for one, homeland or die.  AFRIKA!

Friday, July 13, 2012

U.S, UGANDA AND RWANDA are guilty for supporting rebels in Congo According the UN interim reports

A United Nations interim report has revealed that Rwanda is interfering in the Congo causing a mutiny among the Congolese army!  AFRICA ON AFRICA CRIME AND “THE US” REAL INTEREST IN CONGO (DRC)!
I recently had a few friends over for wine at my house. We had a lot in common, as in we had all grown up in East Africa.  Combined we all had blood from Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda the D.R.C (Congo). A lot of talk happens over a few bottles of cheap wine and then like friends do, we ended talking about growing up in that region.  The guy from Congo had seen crazy stuff growing up especially caused by the long Uganda and Rwanda’s invasion to Congo over the last 15 years. He spent his childhood in a war zone. When Rwanda invaded Cong. Friends became enemies killing each other, millions fled including my friend. My friend from Rwanda had grown up there during the genocide; he whole heartedly believed that the U.S turned a blind eye on Rwanda during that period so in return, they don’t really monitor the issue of Rwanda and Congo too much. The US believes in whatever the Rwandan govt tells them and their ignore Congo like they just did recently. For the last 15 years the U.S, Uganda and Rwanda have been exploiting Congo’s mineral reserves. The UN alleged that the Rwandan govt has been training, arming and offering logistical support to rebels in Congo where over 200,000 people have been displaced! And over the years million have been killed as the U.S, Uganda and Rwanda invade conge but blame the issue on a weak govt in Congo that cannot read and sign good contracts and or protect its boarder. In the end CONGO’s stolen minerals end up on trade markets in Uganda, Rwanda and the stoke markets In the US. In 2006 both Obama and H Clinton supported a law that called for holding Uganda and Rwanda accountable for destabilizing the D.R.C Congo. Umm until they both got more power only to find out that they can’t do shit about it for the sake of their country’s (US) interests. Since the U.S, Uganda and Rwanda are great allies. None checks the other on the issues that matter to the common person that region. In Uganda Museveni has ruled Uganda for more than 25 years as a corrupted dictator but the U.S still pours out support to him any time, only threatening him to take the support away if he signs a bill that makes homosexuality a crime. In recent months the US sent 100 troops to Uganda to chase after the notorious Joseph Konyi who in the end somehow ended up in the (DRC) CONGO where the U.S, Rwanda and Uganda have occupied for the last 15 years supporting rebel groups in the eastern part of the DRC. Way to go!  Great job U.S.A! God bless!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

AIDS: circumcistion and medecation not working

AIDS is the primary killer of African-Americans ages 19 to 44, and the mortality rate is 10 times higher for black Americans than for whites. why?

In 1987, a small group in San Francisco started a quilt to document the lives of people who died from HIV/AIDS. In 2012, the AIDS Memorial Quilt returns to the National Mall for the first time in more than a decade. More than 48,000 panels have been woven together to memorialize the lives lost. why?

By the end of 2013, Kenyan health officials want more than 1 million men to get circumcised — a procedure that can reduce the risk of contracting HIV by up to 60 percent. If the effort succeeds, it just might prove a model for the rest of Africa??? Wrong? In Africa what happens in Kenya stays in Kenya!!! So what happens in Kenya cannot and will not do what your newspaper reporters wish it could do. 

And the whole circumcision  reducing the rate of HIV! I am not buying that, plus why would I bank on a treatment that would only reduce the RISK! what does that mean reduce? let me guess? Just like antiretroviral therapies were supposed to prevent the HIV virus from multiplying and diminish the virus circulating in the blood. really???
Cause from the judge of it since, those drugs hit the market, the rate of HIV is raising! You get my point!

A decade ago, Botswana was facing a national crisis as AIDS appeared on the verge of decimating the country's adult population. Now, the country provides free, life-saving AIDS drugs to almost all of its citizens who need them.

 could it be that the places that have the highest rate of HIV/AIDS cannot afford the research to discover the final cure?

10 key attributes and contributions for a beginning soccer coach

  As a soccer coach, there are numerous qualities and skills you can bring to the table to ensure the success and development of your team. ...