Friday, July 13, 2012

U.S, UGANDA AND RWANDA are guilty for supporting rebels in Congo According the UN interim reports

A United Nations interim report has revealed that Rwanda is interfering in the Congo causing a mutiny among the Congolese army!  AFRICA ON AFRICA CRIME AND “THE US” REAL INTEREST IN CONGO (DRC)!
I recently had a few friends over for wine at my house. We had a lot in common, as in we had all grown up in East Africa.  Combined we all had blood from Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda the D.R.C (Congo). A lot of talk happens over a few bottles of cheap wine and then like friends do, we ended talking about growing up in that region.  The guy from Congo had seen crazy stuff growing up especially caused by the long Uganda and Rwanda’s invasion to Congo over the last 15 years. He spent his childhood in a war zone. When Rwanda invaded Cong. Friends became enemies killing each other, millions fled including my friend. My friend from Rwanda had grown up there during the genocide; he whole heartedly believed that the U.S turned a blind eye on Rwanda during that period so in return, they don’t really monitor the issue of Rwanda and Congo too much. The US believes in whatever the Rwandan govt tells them and their ignore Congo like they just did recently. For the last 15 years the U.S, Uganda and Rwanda have been exploiting Congo’s mineral reserves. The UN alleged that the Rwandan govt has been training, arming and offering logistical support to rebels in Congo where over 200,000 people have been displaced! And over the years million have been killed as the U.S, Uganda and Rwanda invade conge but blame the issue on a weak govt in Congo that cannot read and sign good contracts and or protect its boarder. In the end CONGO’s stolen minerals end up on trade markets in Uganda, Rwanda and the stoke markets In the US. In 2006 both Obama and H Clinton supported a law that called for holding Uganda and Rwanda accountable for destabilizing the D.R.C Congo. Umm until they both got more power only to find out that they can’t do shit about it for the sake of their country’s (US) interests. Since the U.S, Uganda and Rwanda are great allies. None checks the other on the issues that matter to the common person that region. In Uganda Museveni has ruled Uganda for more than 25 years as a corrupted dictator but the U.S still pours out support to him any time, only threatening him to take the support away if he signs a bill that makes homosexuality a crime. In recent months the US sent 100 troops to Uganda to chase after the notorious Joseph Konyi who in the end somehow ended up in the (DRC) CONGO where the U.S, Rwanda and Uganda have occupied for the last 15 years supporting rebel groups in the eastern part of the DRC. Way to go!  Great job U.S.A! God bless!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

AIDS: circumcistion and medecation not working

AIDS is the primary killer of African-Americans ages 19 to 44, and the mortality rate is 10 times higher for black Americans than for whites. why?

In 1987, a small group in San Francisco started a quilt to document the lives of people who died from HIV/AIDS. In 2012, the AIDS Memorial Quilt returns to the National Mall for the first time in more than a decade. More than 48,000 panels have been woven together to memorialize the lives lost. why?

By the end of 2013, Kenyan health officials want more than 1 million men to get circumcised — a procedure that can reduce the risk of contracting HIV by up to 60 percent. If the effort succeeds, it just might prove a model for the rest of Africa??? Wrong? In Africa what happens in Kenya stays in Kenya!!! So what happens in Kenya cannot and will not do what your newspaper reporters wish it could do. 

And the whole circumcision  reducing the rate of HIV! I am not buying that, plus why would I bank on a treatment that would only reduce the RISK! what does that mean reduce? let me guess? Just like antiretroviral therapies were supposed to prevent the HIV virus from multiplying and diminish the virus circulating in the blood. really???
Cause from the judge of it since, those drugs hit the market, the rate of HIV is raising! You get my point!

A decade ago, Botswana was facing a national crisis as AIDS appeared on the verge of decimating the country's adult population. Now, the country provides free, life-saving AIDS drugs to almost all of its citizens who need them.

 could it be that the places that have the highest rate of HIV/AIDS cannot afford the research to discover the final cure?

10 key attributes and contributions for a beginning soccer coach

  As a soccer coach, there are numerous qualities and skills you can bring to the table to ensure the success and development of your team. ...