Monday, August 20, 2012

Western influence in Africa (war in Congo forever!) homeland or die!

Western influence in Africa (war in Congo forever!) homeland or die!
Homeland OR Die !

America doing business with dictators in Uganda...what does that say about their own views on democracy?

I was recently accused by a friend of being quote on quote, westernized. I was told by this African friend of mine that I was too (Americanized) and therefore my views on African policies and issues were misleading. I of all people was shocked. To say the least, my friend accusing me of being too (Americanized) had an ipod around his neck. He was on face-book and twitter and have no doubt he was dressed in what I will personally define as western clothes. I mean last time I checked Africans did not introduce the wearing of suites, leather shoes and or neck ties to the world. I mean I have flipped through a few history books and can confirm Africans walked around naked for a long time. So here he was dressed in a black two-piece-suite and working for the big government in a small country by the Nile. Yes, this guy who is not (westernized) at all was speaking to me in English; I was confused to when that was an original African dialect. This friend of mine who works in the education ministry belongs to the same kind of folks who teach African students nothing else but western culture. I mean it was those same Africans that taught me that the Nile was discovered by western explorers. The same Africans who communicate through western invention are the same Africans hating on the western world they admire so much.  “Oh how those Whites are robbing Africa of all her goods!” he screamed on top of his lungs. “Oh how they don’t want Africa to proper, and oh how they want all Africans to die in poverty, and oh how they have planed this out!” Yes, according to him, the whites in the west sat down somewhere and said, “Let’s screw Africa up the butt hole, forever!” This is one of those conversations that many Africans have on a daily and I tend to either be naïve or perhaps I happen to see the world a little more different than the likes of my friend. For the most part and in my opinion, Africa’s   relationship is that of two strange bed fellows where basically one fellow puts out (in this case aide) in order to gain control of the relationship. What happened to Africa after the colonists left?  For simple reasoning on a simple fact of what is going on in Uganda, Rwanda and Congo as you read this is a great illustration of this relationship.. These famous American allies are caught in the situation where none of them are innocent and the US has once again turned a blind eye on justice to defend and protect the interest of its African puppets over the people of Congo. The fact that the American state department can fly it’s envoy to Uganda and have a buffet with one of Africa’s longest serving dictators goes to show you how much the US is interested in spreading their so called democracy to Africa while screwing Africa in the butt. Africans should look at western countries like the US as a bed-fellow who just stops by to get what they want every now and then leaves without even washing off. But don’t worry, they will send you MONEY!  The west has done it many time, Patrice Lumumba, Congo’s first elect official was executed by a firing squad assisted by the Belgium government and America’s CIA. Lumumba is the most popular example of how the US and other western countries would do anything to protect their interest in Africa. Even if it means to kill a county’s founding father and replace him with a favored thug or watch millions die as they are in CONGO. Congo is the rich friend who has no security for their property surround by opportunist neighbors waiting to steal in day light while the BIG watch dog (the US) is watching it all go down. So much for peace, fight-on my brothers and sisters, after all, one for all, all for one, homeland or die.  AFRIKA!

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