Monday, March 17, 2014



In 1972, the president of Uganda, Idi Amin led a countrywide expulsion of all South Asians; mainly Indians from India and Pakistani out do Uganda.

Idi Amin’s government claimed that the Indians and the Asian Community were exploiting indigenous Ugandans, which they believed that it, sabotaged the Ugandan economy in which they were the higher member’s of the community working and managing most of Ugandan business

But this blog is not about the past; it is a blog about the current Uganda…at the dawn of the new millennium came new waves and ideas of doing business; at only 50 years old the Ugandan economy seems to be on the uprising; with massive corruption and lack of public services or very poor public services, the private sectors hopes to makeup the services needed for the raising middle class Ugandans.

The Indian Community in Uganda recently celebrating a holiday; picture credit: VISION GROUP UGANDA

Uganda’s leading private sector businessmen and women are mainly people those who have a very good connection or relationship with the government; therefore they have access to all the theses of operating a high-end business in Uganda or they are foreigners.

The majority of the players in the private sectors in Uganda are however foreigners; who enjoy massive tax cuts from the government due to large amount of money they push into the Ugandan economy. 

The recent technology business boom that has swept the African Continent has seen the coming of telecom companies, media houses, a small printing press on the raise and most of the world runs on digit media so does Uganda.

This has introduced a new business class to countries like Uganda; the technology industry has grown very much in the recent years; and with none or with small human resources to cover the technology boom. African countries like Uganda have had to depend on foreign human resources to cover what they lack.

Which brings me back to the title of this blog, THE RETURN OF THE ASIAN COMMUNITY IN UGANDA.
When it comes to IT and technology business in general, South Asian countries have invested heavily in that education which in return has seen a massive and rapid business migrations over the years to countries like Uganda.

Uganda is one of those countries that have welcomed the business immigrants and this has caused many South Asian natives to return to Uganda.

Indians in Uganda are in charge of some of the biggest banking systems, some of the CEOs of Uganda’s largest telecom companies are Indians and along with most of Uganda’s largest IT and printing companies.

They are in charge of many and most of the best schools, especially international schools and so many high end business of all kind.  

Saturday, March 15, 2014


South African reggae star, the late Lucky Dube once sang that “you should stand for the truth even if you stand alone.”

The debate on homosexuality in Uganda has been the most talked about single event in Uganda lately and even if one does not want to take part in this debate, it is had to go by a day without hearing someone mentioning their hate for homosexuals. Even at church! 

I would have no problem if the debate was taking place in only bars, restaurants, media houses and places of other nature. But I hate the fact the debate has spilled into most of the places of worship; or rather the places I attend for worship on Sunday.

As a committed Anglican, I rarely miss church on Sunday and I have to say for the last six or so  months the views about homosexuals in the Anglican churches I attend are having me question the very faith and practices of the Anglican Church in Uganda.

I could easily understand why politicians in Uganda could support, pass and sign a bill against homosexuals in Uganda.

It is a proven fact that most Ugandans are homophobic, and on any given day, any given politician would play any given trick to be on the side of the so called popular view of any issue anywhere in the world. 

But I get confused when the people that are “ordained”, bishops and reverends are the ones preaching pure hate from their pulpits.

I question the integrity of such men who preach hate against other human beings but yet in the same sermons they preach about “loving your neighbor as yourself,” so what if my neighbor was gay! 

Well according to the recently passed law! I should report them to the moral police or else I risk punishment also. 

The fact the Christian leaders have supported the bill from the get go even when if pronounced a “death sentence” for the gay community makes wonder what bible these fellows read.

They would be quick to tell me that the bible is against homosexuality and that it is a sin, however the bible is also against abortion, which I believe in the Christian world they considered murder…murder is sin, question is why ain’t we passing laws against, abortion/adultery hello along with lusting are all sins, where are the laws against those sins…and why isn’t the “Church” leading that fight against those things. I am left wondering…

Somewhere I have read that church and state/government are supposed to be separate. 

I cannot agree more with this…it puts me to questioning my views of what I thought church should be…no wonder most pews are empty on Sunday and only fill up during Easter and Christmas!

Have a good weekend my gay and straight friends.

stand for the the truth ....

Bishop Kiwalila of Namirembe, homophobe! 

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