Friday, June 13, 2014

Oh Uganda, May God Uphold Thee..

It is late in 2013and I am flying out of Entebbe, Airport, to Schopol International Airpot to meet up some of my Dutch friends to hangout for a few days in Europe. 

I have flown out Entebbe many times and  in this very occasion I didn't except things to be different. 

I felt as a person would when they go to their local coffee shop where the barista knows how you want your cup. 

However in this day things were different. 

They was extra security from the road leading the airport to the airport ground itself. 

We went through it all and as we approached a group of guards who had dogs by the entrance of the airport, they were rude, they were rude to my family, they verbally harassed us and the scene could have been some what ugly. 

We were called names based in our ethnicnity, one of the guard stated that the Baganda, a tribe that I belong to were  "stupid." 

I went in schock as you would imagine, I was pissed off indeed and but I understood that I had to remain calm. 

I asked around airport security in how I could report the issues. 

I was shown a couple people in charge who wanted nothing to do with my complains but rather directed me to exist the airport and head to Kampala to report the issues at the security offices there. 

I had a plane to catch, I asked for a report I was told they don't issues reports for such cases and I moved on to my trip heartbroken and no longer trusting of the "Ugandan Government"!

I will make this story short, but my Ugandan passport was taken from me that day by goons at the airport who had no reasons to...

Those who have led Uganda for the last 30 years, which is all my lifetime and then some have not accomplished the basic principles of human rights that they themselves went out to pick up arms and overthrew a legitimate government at that time.

There seems to be a class of people who have set out to push their agenda on the rest of us. 

You see this in every level of leadership, 
The majority are ruled by the manority, 
You need to look a certain way to get quick and direct access to government services..

Go to the "internal affairs ministry", a Twemebazze beats a JJemba to get government documents any day. 

The "Uganda Police" is the most corrupt government organ, that and all the other special forces security agencies in place to keep he fountain of honor at bay...

The police, they will arrest you for anything they want, at our houses they have arrested us for being "lawless and Disorderly" and have raped the last shillings from our parents on dumb charges...

The education system is non existent' it is by far the simplest of them all to set up and education system that works, lots can be done, Ugandans work had to educate their children but have gotten nothing out of it. 

Instead of creating jobs in the country, I'm talking information technology jobs, accounting firms, banking, engerning and manufacturers, they are trading our young adults to oppressive regimes in Arab countries to work as maid. And guards at embassies. 

I am not wrong when I say that the government has failed some of us. 

The health care system is in scrambles, most people who seek health care in our country die in that process,,, you can have the money but in a place were everything is third world and the system is broken,,, money talks...

Therefore our sisters and mothers our aunts and wives die while giving birth, and motor cycle accidents are on the rise with no adquate physical therapy care, we are creating a nation of disabled people... 

The NRM is one person  supplying a few people chosen to accompany him on his venture for a life presidency! 

And perhaps only God will save Uganda from a dark path empending history from repeating itself..blood like in Luwero! 

It's true, not everyone can vote in an election but it is also true that those that engage in the process should let their votes count,,, in Africa those who came by the gun, rule by it... Elections don't matter to them...

You have leaders in parliament like the speaker who cannot lead their groups to passing laws that can benefit the Uganda of today.

Everything they do is to their own benefit and is in mockry of the every foundation their took an oath to protect.,,

Rebecca Kadaga has failed to work the her party to pass laws that the majority of Ugandans want.

Ms. Kadaga has failed to pass electoral reforms bringing back president term limits, she has instead took part in oppressing the mass passing laws against public assembly..etc....

But even if she passed these laws, orders from above won't respect them, but at least we would say she tired .,,,

Local government: our local government have the best stuctures and if the systems are allowed to work as disigned Ugandan would with no doubt benefit from the services of local government.

Local governments take in a lot of cash,to issue IDs, they take cash, to issue a letter for any matter, be for eviction or for proof of residency, they charge a few, some Local governments correct fees from vandors, shop owners, home owners etc but all that money usual goes to the government personnel,,,,

Local government from the RDC, DISO, to the GISO, to the local L C have one function and that's to correct fees for small services, they have been reduced to nothing by the central government that they accomplish nothings for the average citizen besides oppressing them... And robbing them.

In Uganda,
In the early days, 

Power came by spears not votes 

In Uganda in the early days,
Power came by the gun  not votes...

In Uganda these days
Those that came by the spears are all dead 

But those that came by the gun still rule by the gun! 

Which makes me wonder...
Is that knowledge or dis creation tot the young ??? 

...we lay our future in thy hand...

10 key attributes and contributions for a beginning soccer coach

  As a soccer coach, there are numerous qualities and skills you can bring to the table to ensure the success and development of your team. ...