Thursday, March 24, 2022

Ugandans tribal sentiments: What the words of 'Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny-Dollo' the Chief Judge of Uganda say about Ugandan

        A few weeks ago. The then speaker of the Ugandan Parliament ( Jacob O)  was flown out of Uganda to United States for treatment. Rumor has it that the government of Uganda chattered a plane for the speaker on the tax payer's bill. It is believed that the government spent about $500,000.  ( five hundred thousand) to chatter the plane.  So when news of flying out the speaker for treatment broke. Those engaged in opposition politics protested.

     The protest were not in Uganda either. Because our president for life;  Museveni is like Putin when it comes to protects in the country. He doesn’t allow them. During the last election Hundreds if not; thousands  of people were shot dead for holding protests and to this day many still rot in jail. So the people protesting the speaker $500, 000 were somewhere in the United Stated. These political protest were not in any geographical place that has a population of predominantly Baganda people. I’m fact the people were not having tribal protest or disagreement. These were purely political protest outside of Uganda built on the fact the the elite seek treatment outside of Uganda when they fall sick every time. These were political protests. No of the protesters said that this was Acholi Vs Baganda! None. 

            Immediately when the videos of the protesters came online and shared among vetting political circles. Two prominent political figures from Jacob’s tribe. (Acholi) began to draw tribalism cards. 

         These two gentlemen have taken and reduced the largest tribe in the country ( Baganda) to some political protest that the majority of Baganda didn’t attend or knew took place.The man serving as the current Chief Justice of Uganda who is an Acholi and another one who is a total political failure named Nobert Mao said that all of us Baganda are here celebrating Jocob’s illness. 

            These two gentlemen. The Chief Justice and the political failure have in my lifetime showed me how everything said in the past about their tribal hatred for Baganda is true. I don’t to sit here and recite a whole ugly history of past leaders from the northern Uganda destroying everything Baganda stood for. It was under Obote’s government a northerner that Baganda suffered the most loses . We lost everything we stood for then including the poising of Muteesa our king . 

         It was under two presidents Obote and Amin that the current government waged a war in Luwero, central Uganda a place mainly full of Baganda that brought it in power. So the northern came to the central joined the westerners and their guns and destroyed so much of what the Baganda had. I wasn’t to remind both of these gentlemen to stop reducing all of Baganda to NUP. And to stop the tendency of lecturing Baganda about what their tribes have done for the country . 

Enough with that tribal bullshit ! 

Wangalaa Ssabasajja Kabaka! 


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