Monday, May 6, 2013

The case for term limits in #Uganda! Part three of series:

The case for presidential term limits in #Uganda part three:

An average (National Resistance Movement) NRM die hard is above 39 years old, somewhat successful or seeking opportunity in a Govt office to earn a living:  most of its member’s do not agree with the party’s current positions! 

The opposition leadership is dull and lacks the capacity to organize the kind of muscle that can catch the NRM blinking. 

Not only do they lack money to fund against the NRM’s unlimited campaign fund, they lack organizational skills to form a common grassroots campaign that can motive the majority of Ugandans (Youth) to believe in their Manifesto: While the NRM gains as many supporters as it looses: the opposition is still finding its position and actually loosing members to the NRM.

Politics in Uganda is more about personality than any other one thing: the fact is also that the members elected reflect the electorate: mainly peasants, poor and uneducated people make up the majority of Uganda’s electorate and therefore makeup Uganda’s politicians: people are rarely voted because they can lead and bring about difference in their community rather it is based on fame and name or tribal ties: it is a luxury only afforded to people in places where everyone knows their name: politics is tribal in all regions of Uganda therefore good candidates are overlooked over favored tribal kin.

Yoweri knows this and the only way Uganda can have a peaceful transition of presidents is through restoration of term limits….the question is can the current NRM leadership deliver and put country first instead of person first: send Yoweri peacefully in retirement and have a new NRM president before Ugandan becomes God’s frozen people!

1 comment:

  1. Well as far as am concerned we're now officially a Rwakitura kingdom no more Uganda coz at this point everything is termed as "my" from army to country's natural resources all belong to the president. He say he can't leave the country to wolves (opposition) which sounds rather sick he thinks he will live forever.


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