Thursday, April 28, 2016

The attack on young journalists in Uganda by the old guard is on the rise

For us that grew up in the city, born and raised that it is here in Kampala.

 We would consider people like Chris Obore very much as villagers.

 In fact, a few years ago these are the type of guys we would kick out of the city screaming, "go back to your village."  He is not different from my cousin Kimbugwe  who sold his inherentance to buy a boda boda. 

Mr. Obore, whom I have meant by the way in a large setting is a good example of what happens to Africans when they are out in positions of authority. 

The fact is Chris Obore is always been an idiot who likes to refer to himself as an "elite" ! 

I swear those tapes are there as you hear him say in his broken English, "we the elite this, we the elite that,"...

Journalist in Uganda, like the rest of the population have to servive. 

They wakeup every morning, many of them young and go out to do a job that pays less than five dollars a day on avarage. 

These young men and women therefore have to hustle to make an extra dollar on the side.

 It is the way business is done in Uganda anyways, and Mr. Obore should know that.

If you need a bed in Mugalo for example after a boda boda accident , you have to pay a few shillings to get servive, if you need a letter of recommendation from a local chairman or a residence district commissioner, you have to pay a few a few shillings to that Chairman, RDC, or GSO. 

So Mr. Obore has to know when a member of parliament wants a journalist to come out and cover them at their lousy press conference... they have to cover that journalist too, why should they not accommodate the poor journalist for transport and food while we are at it? 

Chris Obore has lost his mind every since he got a job at parliament. Now he suffers from the same "big man/woman syndrome" that is sweeping every corner of leadership in Uganda.

 Indeed if you want to see the true colours of the so called "elite" Ugandans, give them some authority. 

Chris Obore is a good example of someone who came from a village far away now that he has some TV light on him and makes a few extra shillings than a teacher, a police officer and a government nurse. He now thinks he's the shit. 

This is fair critiisitm while I watched my favorite TV show at my apartment in Bunga, I couldn't help but walk away from my TV set when Mr. Obore started attacking journalist that cover parliament. How he thinks they are not up to the job and that they beg monies for transport from members of government. 

The fact is true. But journalists in Uganda work in a hustle environment, they are paid peanuts and they do practice very indifferent ways to earn extra money. Not to mention, not many of them are not trained proffesionals in journalism. 

They are college graduate unemployed youth running up and down around government officials to put a cheap camera in front of them in hopes of getting on a soda, some chapattis and Mandanzi! 

The attack on young journalists in Uganda by the old guard like this man is on the rise. But they should know, times are changing. 

For God and my Country, I'm Jeremy Jjemba. @Jjjemba on Twitter!πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜€πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏ

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