Thursday, May 6, 2021

Idi Amin walked to a state funeral!


How Idi Amin walked to Nzee Jomo Kenyatta’s Funeral! 

By: Odhiambo Levin Opiyo

Before Idi Amin travelled to Kenya to attend  Kenyatta's  funeral he   invited  a team of Western   expatriates to join his delegation.

"His Excellency is inviting you to be a member of the presidential delegation to the funeral of Mzee Jomo Kenyatta. You will be informed of the arrangements", read the invitation sent out  to those  selected.

Isolated by the West,  Amin was keen to   capitalise  on Kenyatta's  high profile  funeral to show that he was friendly  to Britain  and America  despite  what was being written  in Western press.

As a result,  In addition  to the main Uganda government delegation ,  there was  a presidential one that was made up of six expatriates, British and American,  who were to be tangible evidence of the friendly relations that  existed between Uganda and those two countries

In the event it was five-to-one in favour of the British, there being only one American who qualified, the managing director of  Caltex  oil Uganda .

On the day of the funeral, 31 August  1978, they  converged  in the house  of Amin's  security  advisor Major Bob Astle at Kololo  at four  in the morning.  From  there they   were to be driven to state House  Entebbe  to  meet Amin at 07.00 in the morning. 

They left  Astle's residence  exactly  at 06.00  to begin their  journey  to Entebbe.  However  the  journey took twice as long as usual as they were  driven round Kampala three times before heading to Entebbe. According  to Astle's  explanation, this  was to outmanoeuvre any enemy  who was planning  an ambush.

After meeting Amin the expatriates  were joined  by two Uganda ministers  and together  they boarded the presidential  Cessna plane to Kenya.

Amin occupied  the swivel  chair at the front which enabled him to turn to face those onboard. He talked freely. "Why does the BBC trouble me?" he asked at one point. "They make false accusations about me. They even say I have Cubans to run my country."

He also said how he was  looking  forward to meeting Dr Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia at Kenyatta's funeral. 

"I  have brought him some new handkerchiefs; he cries too much and has to wave them around for them to dry. His people think he waves at them," he said with a hearty laughter. 

When they  landed in Nairobi,  there was no question on who the media was really interested in . Other heads of state were also arriving   but Amin's plane attracted by far the most attention. 

The  six expatriates  and Bob Astles  were ushered by the protocol people into waiting cars.  By this time Amin,  his  son and the  two ministers had already  sped off towards  Hilton Hotel, which was to be Ugandan  base for the day.  The delegation  was to occupy a suite on the 16th floor  of the hotel.  

But there was a problem.  Despite  Amin leaving the airport  before everyone  else to head to Hilton,  he was nowhere to be found.

20 minutes  earlier he had been seen  entering the lift accompanied by his little son  Moses, the two ministers, his private secretary,  and  an American general manager of  Hilton  Hotel. 

Along the circular  corridors of Hilton,  security  men  ran up  and down as though they  were  on a race track. One shouted at the expatriates, "Please go straight to the suite and stay there: we can't find the President!"

In the suite  the  expatriates  were ordered by Bob  Astle  not to close the door, 'for security reasons', as  he too went out to join the search for Amin. 

It turned out that the lift had   jammed between the fourth and fifth floors.  Instead of waiting to be rescued  Amin  prisised  open the doors himself, and forced himself  outside, followed by those who had been stuck with him.  Fortunately  the floor level was chest-high 

 They then walked  up eleven floors' worth of spiral staircase to reach the 16th floor. As they made their way  to the suite,   Amin displayed little more than bemusement at his companions who were struggling  to climb  the stairs.  "These people, they are not fit like me. They never like to play basketball and swim. Look at them, they nearly die!" he joked.

"Time for your breakfast,"  he said, "you people must eat before we go for the funeral. I am hungry too, but it is Ramadhan."

Soon  Bob Astle reminded  everyone,  "We must be in the foyer by 10.30 .The cars will pick us up at 10.45."

Amin gazed at him and asked   "What for?" Astle  replied,   "Your Excellency, it starts at eleven."  Amin  immediately   got to his feet and announced "We will walk! We go now!" . 

Thus  this was how Amin and members of his delegation ended up walking  from Hilton  to Parliament  Buildings for the funeral of Jomo Kenyatta . "This is how my friend would have come to my funeral," said Amin as the delegation  set off from Hilton. 

After  the funeral  a   crowd stayed outside Hilton , cheering Amin "Simba, Simba!" (`Lion, Lion!'). The   American who was  in the delegation  would later tell him , "Mr President, if they'd been electing their noo man today, they'd have elected you!"

As the delegation  prepared  to return  to Uganda, Amin  came aboard  very  furious about  what he heard  from the BBC.  The BBC  had claimed  that Prince Charles  had snubbed him during  Kenyatta's  funeral. 

"This BBC!"  he exclaimed. "Do you know what they say about me now? They say Prince Charles refused to shake my hand and turned his back on me! Why? I was never near him, you know that. You can tell them they lie about him just like me. I like the look of that young man — he is clean."

Once the plane was  airborne and the seat- belts off, Amin disappeared into the cockpit to make some  phone calls to Uganda. Ten minutes later he returned, smiling  broadly. 

"I  have spoken to Bombo and Masindi barracks" he announced. "The country is quiet, so we can go to Entebbe." 

Pointing to the black briefcase his private secretary was holding, he told  members of the delegation  not to worry. "If there was a problem we could have had a nice weekend in Libya with my friend Gaddafi. Plenty dollars in this case!"

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