Monday, March 16, 2015

There's no such thing as post racial or post tribal eras

It is 7:21 AM central American time and I am making my way through a crowd of high school students heading to my work station with a group of teenagers.

Amazing things happen in these types of settings, one can see the true nature of primates as they relate to their race and or tribal beings.

It is not trivial that all of us relate better to other people who are just like us and this is the true order of things.

Blacks relate better to other blacks and even within our race as blacks we relate better to our tribal beings.

This is better illustrated in a continent like Africa...where for centuries one tribe hates another tribe just for simply being created Uganda the Bakiga people  may have learned to live around the Basoga people but in the end these tribal beings have core values that they are not willing to trade in just for the  simplicity of getting along.

It could be their way of laungues, their traditional dances and clothing  or other ceremonies...and they are places where one cannot enter unless one plays his part of a said group/tribe/race....there are so many hidden facts that are never told or taught in the mystery of slave trade..the fact that other blacks sold off their racemates ..trabial cheifs would capture and invade different villages back in historical Africa and sale their racemates to the slave masters, not saying it was the most common way but yes, the trade happened in Africa where some chiefs played a part.

Back to 7:21 AM central American I walk through the halls of a large high school heading to the office..evidence is clear that Blacks, Whites, Arabs or Asians mainly gather with each is the same way during lunch, gym, the bus stops or other free time outside of organized instructional time.

States are strict to zoning schools leaving a huge gap to where students can attend...the school system today is the most segregated system in the US ..that and church, some foxs would go as far as  protesting a said group to moving or building closer to their different boundaries calling upon all sorts of reasonings...but at the core, it is usually because of race or one group's economic status.

I was once filling in for a teacher at one elementary school around the corner..teachers in their lounge were talking about the rulings of a meeting that happened previously.

To conclude, they were discussing about the matters of their school's demographics, and the situation that had pissed everyone was the proposed amendment to the school zoning.

What had happened was the school district had suggested to bus in some students from a nearby neighborhood perhaps not so as affluent as the demographics here.

I sat there is both wonder and awe as I heard them discuss the rulings of the was a basically "hell no" we don't want those low economic students bussed here...they were talking about their school pride..."our kids are not on free lunch" and other things..their school did not have many ESL students and the idea of bussing in a lot of none native English speakers at the bottom of the economic ladder was not acceptable at this place.

..I ate my cold pizza in silence..I didn't know these people well to jugde them as racist or tribal but I questioned their understanding especially in a public school system deemed as "not separate" but equal.

I went on with my life after lunch...

Funny thing is church is open to all..but at the end of the day black Baptists will feel better attending church with their kins as to say mexicans Catholics would do the same attending mass with their said cohort racial and tribal groups.

I haven't done research on this, but the little church boy in me has taken good observations on this matter..try to attend "the church without walls" in west Houston if you're not black and tell me how comfortable you feel there.

Go to any of these "second baptist" churches around here and tell me how unsegrated they are on a Sunday.

I am for the motion that black lives matter just as much as white lives do...but I am not naive enough to believe that every blackman is my kin or that every whiteman is my enemy. But some are!

I basically believe that we  have just learned to put up with each other can never take these instincts out of people...

Racism and or tribalism is not taught...
it is just the way we were programmed by nature like our cousins...the animals that protect their territory....,

Because we are humans ....we have come  up with rules and laws to let white people sit on the same bus with blacks or drink off the same water fountains and attend the same schools..none of that makes us un racial or un tribal.

I can drink off the same water fountain as you but in the end that hasn't taken away our racial and tribal genetic instincts is what we think in our heads...what we do in our homes and our social groups that explains that better.

I have the best of both worlds sometimes because I have been in the situation where some old white guy didn't want me around his daughter only to fly home to be told by an elder in my family back in Uganda to get married but please "don't bring back a white girl"

I'm friends with many white people and I grow up around them..sometimes I cannot relate to black Americans....just as much as I don't find it easy to relate to Bakiga, Banyankole, Banyoro or Batoroo...mainly because I am a Muganda boy from Kasubi, but we are all Ugandans.

And when it comes to being African, Kenyans and Ugandans..etc are just as different as whites and blacks are..on these basis, I see no functional African Union in my lifetime....

I have met some cool Southafricans, I have met some nasty Nigerians, I have met people of all races..but one thing for me has been that people are both racist and tribal who are evolving to get better with each other.

Take for example all the civil wars that are ongoing in Africa as you read this..they're mainly due to tribalism,,,where one tribe attacks greater example than the recent xenophobia in southern Africa..or the abduction of school girls in Negeria by a religious group....and I conclude by saying perhaps in my own reasoning rereligions are the biggest promoters or both tribal and races issues...more on that later!

I may be wrong but you would have to prove that I am wrong....

Haile Selassie said it best....the king of the only African country that was never colonized stated that ..

"until the philosophy which holds one human race superior and another inferior, is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned, until there are no longer first class and second class citizens of any nation, until the color of a man's skin is no more significant than the color of his eyes and until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all without regard to race, there is war...and until that day, the dream of lasting peace, world citizenship will remain but a fleeting illusion to be pursed but never attained."

For God, for my Country and the human race...I am Jeremy Jjemba a Muganda boy of Uganda!

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