Friday, November 13, 2015

The Case for Term Limits, away forward after M7

1) Disband the office of RDC & empower DPCs to do the job. Review the role of DISOs/GISOs to establish why an empowered Special Branch with in the Uganda Police cannot do its work.
2) Disband the office of Presidential Advisor & empower the National Planning Authority to be the nerve center for central government strategic planning
3) Reduce the size of Cabinet from 70 Ministers to 25. Abolish some Ministries such as Teso, Bunyoro, Luwero or Rwentobo, amalgamate some ministries while others into Commissions. Enhance the capacity of technical units such as commissions to deliver results complete with a performance management codes.
4) Review & Audit all government financial management protocols, internal controls & establish the cause of systemic corruption in th public sector with a view of establishing punitive sanctions for offenders.
5) Audit Uganda Revenue Authority internal controls, tax collections & disbursement to the Govt for the past 10 years to establish compliance to eliminate possibility for under declarations of revenue collections due to lack of political independence.
6) Establish a Constitutional review commission & where possible a referendum to ensure constitutional changes meet public expectations especially where parliament might need to be disbanded and sent home.
7) Amalgamate all fragmented districts into single parliamentary constituencies to reduce the size of parliament from 400+ to 120MPs.
8) Review all powers of the Presidency in the Constitution & delegate these to various State institutions to ensure full separation of powers and enhance the over sight functions & accountability with in government and State Instititutions.
9) Conduct a review of the UPDF & UPF to establish strength and formation with a view of increasing efficiency, accountability in procurement processes and identify potential areas of demobilization of redundant personnel.
10) Conduct a forensic audit of the entire civil service, establish strength, identify areas for enhancing efficiency, accountability, retrenchment based on credible criteria with the object of having a small but efficient and accountable civil service.
11) Conduct an HR review of the entire Public Service including State House and office of the President to establish strength, role of personnel, competences and establish areas for retrenchment, streamlining and alignment with government priorities of service delivery.
12) Conduct a review of all the past National Development Plans, review performance, establish cause-effect logic for poor performance with the object of ensuring all government departments and the State are aligned to deliver the NDP.
13) Review Bank of Uganda Management & Operational business processes and audit compliance with relevant regulation. Identify gaps and strengthen laws to maintain independence from political interference.

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