Thursday, March 3, 2016

The Case for Term Limits in #Uganda,

The case for term limits in Uganda, part 17 of series.....

For those of bone within the last 29 or less years have only seen one president in the small East African country of Uganda. 

The problem is not the Ugandans cannot elect or choice their leaders, the problem is that politics in our country has become more of a business than a motor for the good and the will of the people. 

The recent concluded presidential polls have left the country in a doubt of "democracy" as define. So much will be written and said, and the truth is known...

The campaigns that lasted for month seemed to be peaceful in general in only one or two major violet incident appearing on the radar.... The camping mood was more peaceful than all the other campaigns we have had in the country from 1996.... I was a kid, I'm sure I heard of Kizza Besigye and Museveni but didn't care for any of them back then.... As a kid I was selfish as all kids are, I was attending Kabimbiri (R/C) " Roman Catholic," Primary School located in what is Kayunga District now!

But I remember some things about the elections, for example in 1996 I remember Yoweri Museveni  won the elections, and he has won all others ever since, with some tricky methods in some cases filled in courts.... Museveni in the last 30 or less years went from "Rebel" solider commanding an illegal milita to Head of State in Uganda and now commanding those forces fact if you ask him and his supporters, their biggest contribution to the country is "peace"...meaning they have kept most Uganda from fighting each other, of course there has been a 20 plus year war up in northern Uganda. So I give the regime 80% of credits they claim because so many died in northern Uganda under their watch.... This is on the record !!! 

In 1996 I was a kid, I Remember that election well because in the villages campaign came through, and since my grandmother's was in the road, I got to see all sought of convos go up and down the road . And I had the previllage to escort my grandma to the polls and helped her to voting... 

As all election in my country, the polls this time did not differ from those old days, 

Same peope., aged, rich, in fact I could go as far saying that it is two former best friends suitable to lead our country at this moment ... The case for term limits can concluded the the elections once again were free but not fair...

 In 1996 some said that, "the election appeared satisfactory, this was only in form; the intriguing influence of money, material considerations, and deliberate use of the power of incumbency to influence the outcome of the elections corrupted the electoral process and distorted its outcome. 

This phenomenon which I have called 'monetisation of elections', debased the principles of liberal democracy, and condoned corruption as a political virtue. This development could easily subvert the democratisation process and create grounds for a legitimacy crisis."

They are saying the same things! 

So allow me to lend my opion, Elections have not bought anything to Uganda. 

They have not bought as peace, the NRA/M-movement, came to power by the gun, and according to all facts collected, elections in the country in general have divided us while producing no fundamental results..... They have been violet like the recent cases of the state firing tear gas at polling agents, and like the MP contents in Fort Port where you had a former Soildier shot over his son's loose..

 Too much could be said over elections in Uganda, but the fact remains that wihtout term limits, election will be nothing but a showcase of who's more rich, more willing to WIN at all cost, in the end without term limits, the age limit of 75 years will be removed and come election  time the same factors will appear again to feed money to their electrol organs.....the case for term limits  is the only exist ticket Uganda has towards a peaceful transition... 

In 1996, all the factors favored Yoweri Museveni, in March 2016,,, some of those same factors may not swing in his favor.....

Kizza Besigye, Museveni's main opponent all most of these election is been treated as a fugitive in his own home. He's not allowed to travel, his not allowe to go to his part (FDC) offices, his not been charged with any crime but yet he is arrest the minute he steps foot outside of his door ... Let's be serious, this is a man with millions of supporters across the country who has the same perceived rights as an other UgandanπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬

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